4 gear transmission 600 9A from 1932

Started by klaudius, February 09, 2019, 06:59:45 PM

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Many Thanks. I was looking for that. I will have the part built now. After that, the transmission would be completely overhauled. Nice greetings from Germany. Claudius


Hi Claudius I hope this helps..
I do not think the radius at the end is critical but there must be one or the selector drum will be damaged


It is so that with me the tip of the pen is worn out. As a result, the form and length are no longer measurable. Many Thanks .Claudius


I will get the plunger from my spare gearbox and get the details you need


Hello. At the bottom of the gearbox is a screw with a spring and a pin. This pen is a bit worn with me. Need the length and shape of the tip to rebuild. Someone already renewed something like that? Claudius


I don't understand what you mean by the "aritier" screw. Could you indicate it on a photo?


Hello. I just finished with my 4 gear transmission of my 600 9A from 1932. All bearings new, etc. Unfortunately, the lower aritier screw was a bit worn. Maybe someone has the full length? Even better would of course be intact replacement ... Greetings Claudius