Forthcoming Events

A commitment to keeping the Marston Sunbeams on the road for the enjoyment of all!

Events are held throughout the year so make sure you are up to date.

Events 2025

Location details in bold with start times and postcodes indicate that you can sign on at the venue. For all other events please contact the
organiser for more details and instructions.

DateDaysEvent Organiser Location
03/05/20251Cheshire Lanes RunGraham Miller 01928 740522 / 07712133622 grahamjmiller@yahoo.com10:00 for 11:00 start The Goshawk Country Pub, Station Road, Mouldsworth, Cheshire CH3 8AJ
10-11/05/20252Spring Gathering / Metal BridgeGeoff Brazendale 01228 549445 & David MoffatMetal Bridge Hotel, Carlisle
15/06/20251Fletcher Bros Memorial Run (Buxton)Justin Saunders 07397 891226 / Bob HallamBeltonville Farm, Buxton
22/06/20251Wiltshire amble (Old Sarum airfield, Salisbury)David Bramley 07771 871864 / 01794 884332 (after 6pm) davidbramley54@gmail.com11:00 at Hangar 3, Old Sarum Airfield SP4 6EB
27-29/06/20253Annual Rally (Upton on Seven)Richard Waterhouse 01905 821515 / 07919 0547688 rwjustask@gmail.comUpton upon Severn,
Purchase tickets on the club online shop
Early July1 or 2Sunbeam PilgrimagePeter Yates 01902 426790 / 07761 853210 & Steve Corbett 01244 344093 editor@sunbeamsidevalve.comTettenhall Transport Heritage Centre, Wolverhampton
Late August2Testers Run TBCDavid Spencer 07772 597441 davidlesleyii@gmail.comHS Marston Aerospace, Wolverhampton TBC
28/09/20251Great Bustard Run (with STDR)David & Karen Waters 07974 785426 wbustard@aol.comCompton Farm, Enford
18/10/20251The Autumn Gathering (not a run)Geoff Brazendale 01228 549445Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway

Please contact the organiser if you can help in any way.

DateDaysEvent Organiser Location
22-23/02/20252Bristol ShowTony Pashley 01278 451133 and West Showground
06/04/20251Brooklands V & V Motorcycle DayJeremy Sigger 07860 130378 jsigger@hotmail.comBrooklands Museum
26-27/04/20252Stafford “International” ShowPeter Yates 01902 426790 / 07761 853210 peteryates530@outlook.comStaffordshire Showground
10/05/20251Kempton Park Classic Bike ShowJeremy Sigger 07860 130378 jsigger@hotmail.comKempton Park, London
08/06/20251Banbury RunKen J-Fisher secretary.mscr@gmail.comGaydon
20/07/20251Founders Day (VMCC Taverners)Ken J-Fisher secretary.mscr@gmail.comStanford Hall, Lutterworth
11-12/10/20252Stafford “Mechanics” Show TBCTBCStaffordshire Showground
06/12/20251Kempton Park Classic Bike ShowJeremy Sigger 07860 130378 jsigger@hotmail.comKempton Park, London


DateDaysEvent Organiser Location
08/06/20251Bamburgh Run (VMCC Reivers)Simon Hadden 07843 774731
25-27/07/2025350th Scottish National (VMCC Cent Scot)Alistair Huddleston 07788 475849 ali_hud1966@yahoo.comBlairgowrie Rugby Club

For more info on specific events scroll down the page

Annual Rally 27th – 29th June

A friendly and inclusive event at the heart of our club. There has been an Annual Rally since 1983, when the first “Sunbeam Pilgrimage” to Wolverhampton took place. It brought together owners from the wider community with IMI-Marston employees enthusiastic about the firm’s history. The Rallies were organised by the Marston Sunbeam Register until that body was superseded by the newly-formed Marston Sunbeam Club & Register in 2010.


Drum & Monkey Pub, Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, WR8 0QP


On site camping and catering;


Rides on Saturday and Sunday.

Second Hand spares market

Bring along your second hand spares

Club dinner and AGM

Excellent club dinner

Technical forum

Any questions on your machine, the rally is a great place to get answers.

Organiser – Richard Waterhouse

Tel. No.: 01905 821515 Mob 07919 0547688


Bookings may be made online via the shop

Sat Nav 1925 Style


Since 1995 members have met to re-enact the 1920s’ factory testers procedure, following their route from Wolverhampton to mid-Wales, taking in Bwlch-y-groes (the test hill) and back.
2 day event approximately 250 miles,

  • usually 10-20 riders
  • roadside assistance and support provided
  • overnight accommodation in mid-Wales arranged for you

Organiser – David Spencer

Contact Tel 07772 597441

“If you have a Sunbeam come and join like minded folks at one of the events.”